Monday, August 25th, 2008Lebensversicherung is the name in Germany for life insurance. There are two types of Lebensversicherung, both are designed to pay out in event of the death of the insured person.
The main difference is between a Risikolebensversichung that is designed to cover this risk, sometimes combined with a disability insurance, and a Kapitallebensversicherung that not only covers the risk of dying, but also pays out a lump sum or a person if the insured person reaches a specific age.
The cost depends on the type of insurance, but also on the person being insured, such as age, lifestyle, etc.
A special form is the Ausbildungsversicherung, which allows parents to save up for their childrens’ future, eg. to cover student fees.
To hear a simple explanation and a short discussion in German, listen to the podcast:
(Press the “play” button to listen to the podcast)
Disclaimer: this podcast is a simple explanation for non-native speakers. For insurance advice, please contact a Versicherungsvertreter or Versicherungsmakler.